I have been using the table response for asset price query in Excel via the cryptocompare provider. The table view response is simple, clean and provides the tabulated dimensional table my worksheet uses to vlookup/match values. Also I like the cryptocompares multi-currency response were I can have price results in USD, EUR, BTC, etc in the same row.
What I have increasingly gotten frustrated with is long it take cryptocompare to add a new token or that sometimes tokens price values are out of date for days to months.
I would like to move my query from cryptocompare to a provider with better reach.
I have tested a couple but each provider's response primary price query method does something very different to the simple 2D response cryptocompare provides.
I am looking for recommendations on how to replace cryptocompare "priceMulti" tabular response with another provider that give me something close in result to the 2D price table the rest of the sheet depends on.
Example: =CS.QUERYA("CryptoCompare","Pricemulti","fsyms","BTC,ETH,SOL,XLM","tsyms","USD,CAD,ETH,BTC,EUR")
Would return a simple 2D table like:
How to I replace CryptoCompare with a more useful provider but maintain my 2D table so I do not have to mess with the rest of the sheet very much.
I appreciate any the tips and suggestions.